Pests are unanimous annoyances to tenants and their eradication is best for your renters peace of mind and the maintenance of the rental. Renters don’t like a home filled with creepy crawlies, not to mention the problems related to sanitation and healththey can produce. Even though handling pest control is normally the responsibility of the renters, it is the owners responsibility to know what is going on in their rental and so systematic maintenance procedures are advised.
Sometimes one my be advised in handling pest control by spraying harmful chemicals in and around a home, which is not the best option. Residents with pets and children may worry about pesticides harming their loved ones, and people more likely to have a health problem because of illnesses . If this is the case, then natural remedies for pest control is for you. Numerous professional exterminators claim to utilize natural products, and maybe the most suitable for your household. But, there are also other safe and natural means for you and your residents to keep your Coeur d’Alene rental homes pest-free.
Coffee Ground: One natural way to control handling pest control is points of entry in the house with coffee grounds. All you need to do is to spread coffee grounds around pest’s spaces of entry into your home, this deters the pests because it is poisonous to some and also they do not the smell.
Banana Peel: Handling pest control the yard can be solved by burying a banana peel next to the affected plant. It will enrich the soil and keep your yard bug-free.
Cider Vinegar: Handling pest control in your kitchen is important for sanitation. The most common pest is the fruit flies, try using apple cider vinegar to get rid of them. Simply pour a bit of apple cider vinegar in a small bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and poke some small holes in the plastic (large enough for the flies to enter). The vinegar will draw them in but then they will become trapped under the plastic. No more fruit flies!
Herbs: In regard to handling pest control in and around your house herbs are a great option and give you some cooking materials. To get rid of other kinds of flies, try keeping a pot of sweet basil next to your door. Also, Rosemary and sage are herbs which keep mosquitos away, a small anti-pest herb garden in the making.
Cornmeal: Handling pest control in the kitchen also means dealing with ants. Try pouring cornmeal in little piles where you’ve found ants, inside and out. The ants eat the cornmeal however are not built to digest it and so die out. Another low-cost effective remedy is to mix dish soap with water in a spray bottle and spray the ants and where they enter.
Peppermint: Handling pest control such as mice can keep your renter up at night. Try putting peppermint oil or leaves around and it will keep the mice away.
Effectively handling pest control doesn’t need to be pricey or detrimental to your health, but if your Coeur d’Alene property needs assistance in getting rid of unwarranted critter then Real Property Management Coeur d’Alene is here to help you.