Real Property Management Coeur d'Alene

In the Community: The Spirit of Giving Back

Spotlight:  The Spirit of Giving Back

This time of year is known for people to get involved in their communities, and Real Property Management franchisees generously give back to their cities and towns.

From supporting veterans, to collecting and delivering food and gifts, to cleaning up trash, Real Property Management offices are proud to support their communities.  Here’s how five offices give back to their communities.

Allen Wessel, owner of Real Property Management Antelope Valley, is a licensed Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and has been a member of the Kern County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Team for over 20 years. For his efforts, Allen received the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award, started by President George W. Bush after 9/11. The Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor awarded to those who contribute more than 4,000 documented hours of service in their lifetime.
Real Property Management Dade
, owned by military veterans Pedro and Rosana Cedeño, show their support to our military by pledging to Homes for Our Troops a portion of the commission from every lease they sign. “During my time in Afghanistan,” says Pedro, “I realized we should be doing more to give back to the military community. They’ve given us so much with all of the sacrifices our troops and their families make.”

The team at Real Property Management Today collects food for a group called feed253 in Tacoma, Washington, and will also be donating turkeys for the holidays.

Paul Dupervil, owner of Real Property Management of Southern Connecticut, supports Jr. Achievement and recently participated in a panel discussion for high school students regarding business and entrepreneurship. Paul said, “It was a tremendously rewarding experience. I am very passionate about the topic to prepare kids for the real financial world in regards to credit, money management, and the option of entrepreneurship.”

Real Property Management Last Frontier received the Landlord of the Year award for their support to HUD Vash, a program which helps homeless vets get back on their feet. Franchise owner Kassandra Taggart says, “We partner with them because they help place the vets, help them get through the loop holes of all the paperwork for the funds, and check on vets to keep them going in the right direction.”

What are some great ways to give this holiday season?