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It’s a monumental heat wave hitting the Northwest and we want to provide you with some helpful tips to keep cool and healthy, save your AC from failing, and encourage you. We in North Idaho are not use to the extreme weather coming our way, but with preparedness we are able to make necessary preparations.
Glori Menzies, who is our office manager and also a hospitality coordinator and cook has some helpful tips. For one will be cooking in the evening some items ahead of time that can be eaten cold. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables on hand, as well as Gatorade (No sugar), other drinks that will rehydrate and provide electrolytes. For the kiddos have plenty of popsicles on hand. Lots of ice cubes made up ahead of time. Have your clothes washed up and dried ahead of this time. The last thing you are going to want to do is use your oven or clothes dryer, especially those homes that do not have the luxury of central air conditioning. Also, before entering a hot car, get your AC going and cool it off a bit. No different than heating the car during the winter season
Other options are getting out of your house. Our area has a plethora of beautiful lakes with beaches and shady cover out of the sun. Glori’s recommendation is was Farragut State Park for families. The Beaver Bay Beach there is great place to picnic and a swim on hot days.
Head up to the Mountains for a nice hike and picnic lunch.
The National Weather Service has issued the following warning…
* WHAT…Dangerously hot conditions will develop in central
Washington on Friday and build into eastern Washington and north
Idaho over the weekend.
* WHERE…Portions of North and North Central Idaho. Portions of
Central, East Central, North Central, Northeast, and Southeast
* WHEN…From 1 PM this afternoon to 7 PM PDT Thursday.
* IMPACTS…Unprecedented triple digit heat and unusually warm
overnight temperatures will make it difficult to control the build
up of heat in homes without air conditioning.
* ADDITIONAL DETAILS…This event will likely be one of the most
extreme and prolonged heat waves in the recorded history of the
Inland Northwest. Unprecedented heat will not only threaten the
health of residents in the Inland Northwest but will make our
region increasingly vulnerable to wildfires and intensify the
impacts our ongoing drought.
- Expires in 5 days.
- 3 hours ago • Source: National Weather Service
- Recommended actions
- Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of
the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Going to a place
with air conditioning even for a couple hours can help mitigate heat
stress. Consider going to a shopping mall, local library, or
community center for relief.
Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Car
interiors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.
Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loose
fitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morning
or evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion and
heat stroke.
Be reasonable in your expectations: In this region, the summer design temperature for cooling equipment is about 95°. That means when it hits that temperature outside, your AC unit will run full tilt to keep your house cool. Higher outside temps may cause your house to be a little bit warmer than what you’d really prefer. Most AC units can only offer a 20-degree difference from outside to inside.
Do NOT crank the thermostat down: Leave it set where you normally have it. Moving the dial from 76° to 72° will not change the temperature of the air coming out of the registers; it just makes the unit run longer to reach the desired temperature. If your unit is already running full time to keep the house at 76°, moving the dial down will not make the house any cooler.
Check out this article:
One more note to remember: We are coming up on the weekend and next weekend will be a holiday. Our Vendors availability will be scarce on the weekends and over the holiday. A/C repairs are not part of our emergency protocols. It is your prerogative to purchase a fan or window air conditioner if you so choose. It is not the Owners responsibility to provide this for you.
Stay calm, stay cool, and enjoy this beautiful State that we live in,
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